berlin retrospective: potsdam edition

no go
no go
no go
I think the No Go debacle won the prize for the most ineffective use of media space to talk around a very pressing issue.

Insufficient evidence for the case of Ermyas Mulugeta
and the men on trial were acquitted last month.

Refugees Emancipation – an organization doing some wonderful work out in Potsdam
I’m glad to have had the experience of heading out there to teach for a bit. It really informed my outlook on many an issue relating to asylum laws. And I met some very inspiring people.

In the news: Human Rights Watch on a particularly vexing problem for asylum seekers in Germany, actually having the conflict going on in one’s home country officially recognized by German authorities. A problem not limited to Iraqis, although this attempt to screw a large number of folks over en masse is particularly novel.

ah Potsdam…  where the German flag waved proudly even before the World Cup.

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